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Understanding the HTML Reference...

Chapter 1 -- Understanding the HTML Reference Section

Chapter 1

Understanding the HTML Reference Section


In this section, you'll find an entry for every accepted element or "tag"(and entries for tags that are anticipated to be accepted) in the various HTML standards/extensions in use. Turn to Part I of this book to find out more about categories, compliance, and so on.

The HTML elements in this section are in alphanumeric sort, as you would expect to find in an encyclopedia. If a tag manipulates the visual presentation of a browser, a figure is provided to help illustrate the effect caused by the use of that tag.

Every effort has been made to build the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference of the HyperText Markup Language in encyclopedic format. Note that there are several related conventions that are not part of the HTML standard but that can be called up or manipulated from an HTML document. Many of the most advanced math elements and server-side includes, for example, are not part of the HTML standards now in development. The scope of this book is constrained to HTML standards observed by browsers offered by Netscape, Microsoft, and Mosaic and the HTML 2/HTML 3.2 standards.

New tags will be added to this book as they are recognized, adopted, and implemented in products such as Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, and Mosaic or as they're included in subsequent HTML standards.

Every effort has been made to document every HTML tag you may run across. While individual attributes may not be represented by specific entries (as do all tags), a few tag/attribute combinations merit a specific entry and have been granted one.

HTML Categories

Most HTML tags fall into families or functional categories. Tag categories are being developed by standards and proposal groups in the hopes of organizing individual tag development and standard enhancement efforts into clearly defined areas for the focus of more specific groups of practitioners.

The categories defined in this section of the book coincide with the HTML 2 and HTML 3.2 specification categories with some minor modifications. The HTML 2 and HTML 3.2 specifications are thoroughly supported by Netscape and Microsoft. In addition, both companies have introduced their own enhancements in the form of tags called extensions.

As the HTML standards mature, individual categories are expected to proliferate and become areas of specialty for many HTML authors.

The following sections detail those categories and their descriptions.


This category includes the basic page formatting tags required in every HTML document.


Forms tags are specific to authoring works that accept or act on input from the person viewing a page.


Table support is new to HTML 2 and is not fully supported on earlier versions of HTML and older browser software.


Frames are an extension of Netscape's interpretation of the HTML 3.2 standard. Currently, proper authoring of frames requires the HTML author to write three sets of documents, each set readable by three classes of browsers: those that employ proprietary extensions, browsers that are HTML 3.2 compliant, and, of course, legacy browsers that do not render frames at all.

Structural Definition

Structural definition takes advantage of the browser software's ability to format text without further input from the HTML document.


This category is host to tags that are not effectively included in other, more distinct categories.

Special Characters

Tags that are designed to work with characters that are not included in the lower ASCII character set are included in this category. The International Standards Organization (ISO) Latin characters are special characters.

Backgrounds and Colors

This category includes the tags that manipulate background imagery and colors used in HTML documents.


Lists provide the HTML author with the ability to organize content in hierarchies within a document.


Dividers are objects that are employed by every browser to separate bodies of text or graphics in an HTML document.

Links and Graphics

This category includes all viewable images that must be rendered by a browser, not created by one. Links take that reader to another point in the same page or to another URL entirely.

Presentation Formatting

The presentation formatting category includes all font handling tags that manipulate which font is used, which point size is used, which color is used, and so on.

About HTML Extensions

Microsoft has presented another set of HTML tag categories that is closer to supporting Microsoft's goal for Internet Explorer's integration into every Microsoft application.

Many of the Netscape and Microsoft extensions are integrated into emerging HTML standards as they are revised. Correspondingly, some tags become obsolete because of disuse or poor performance.

At the time of this writing, Microsoft has done much to enhance the power of its HTML browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer. By introducing tags, such as <BGCOLOR>, which gives the Web author the ability to use shades of colors instead of just sixteen primary colors and <MARQUEE> that scrolls text across the browser's display, Web browsing has been made significantly more interesting.

The organization that actually sponsors HTML standards, W3C, did not include many tags that are proprietary extensions of HTML 2. If you want your Web pages to be rendered by the majority of browsers, consider avoiding the use of these extensions unless they are properly rendered by both of the latest versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

About the HTML Reference Chapter

Chapter 3, "HTML Reference," is the part of this book that describes HTML tags and attributes. Some tags include a graphic or a table. Other tags do not. Some tags occupy more than a single page so that they are documented properly.

The following sections describe the kind of information you can expect to find on each page in the HTML Reference Section.

Command Header

This section displays the name of the HTML element described on that page or pages.


This section deals with compliance issues and the relevance to the content of the reference section. Icons are used to indicate whether readers can expect a given element to work properly if they are staying within the scope of these levels of compliance:

Netscape. This icon indicates that the latest versions of Netscape Navigator will render this element properly.

Internet Explorer. This icon indicates that the latest versions of Internet Explorer will render this element properly.

Mosaic/XMosaic. This icon indicates that the latest versions of Mosaic and XMosaic will render this element properly.

HTML 2. This icon indicates compliance with this set of standards.

HTML 3.2. This icon indicates compliance with this set of standards.


This section provides an example of how the covered element appears in an HTML document. Includes beginning and ending tags if both are used.


This section defines the use for the element as originally intended. Any general discussion of the element appears in this section.

Example Syntax

This section provides an example of how the element is used in an actual line in an HTML document. Also, if a figure is displayed on the same page, every effort has been made to display the result of the example syntax in that Figure.

In Actual Use

If a figure (screen shot and caption) imparts value in a visual way, it is included here. The "Example Syntax" section is used for this illustration.

If a figure is not useful, the "In Actual Use" section is not included.

Related Elements

If appropriate to the element being discussed, this section has a table that informs the reader of related HTML elements that can be used outside or inside the discussed element.

Some elements do not require a "Related Elements" section, in which case it will be omitted.

Web Reference....

HTML Quick Tables

Chapter 2

HTML Quick Tables


Research has shown that people use reference materials in two basic ways. People who already have basic knowledge of concepts can recognize keywords in a book's index and find what they need. People who don't necessarily know what to look for in an index often rely on a table of contents to find information on a more topical footing.

To support these two different mindsets, we've produced two quick tables that speed you to several other tables that contain specific page numbers for the information you seek. These tables act as intelligent agents that lead you to the information you seek. Less guesswork, hassle, and time wasted!

How to Use Quick Tables

The "Building Pages Task-By-Task" table leads you to the most popular HTML tags used when authoring popular Web page elements.

The "Top Commands in Each Category" table directs you to other tables where the most popular tags and attributes are listed by the most popular categories.

Many people discover that hotlinking between tables (and the elements that they point to) can help find a tag or attribute in a minimum of time!

Building Pages Task-by-Task

To find out new ways to work with various HTML tags and their attributes, refer to the jump table on this page. Find a category of interest to you and then jump to a corresponding table that can help you complete your understanding of these basic concepts. Then use your new-found knowledge to build your Web pages.

Building Pages Task-by-Task
To Find Out How To…Go to Page…
Format Your Text 112-122, 42-43, 33-37
Lay Out Your Text 132-133
Display a Graphic Image 83-85, 94-95
Present a Background 30
Create a Hot Spot Image 97
Size Images for Best Performance 83-85, 94-95
Build a Marquee 98-99
Create an Image Map 97-98

Format Your Text

The tags listed on this page are among the most commonly used tags for formatting the appearance of text on a Web page. Managing the choice, color, and emphasis of fonts is a key factor in making your pages easier to read, and correspondingly, more memorable to the reader.

TagsGo to Page…
<B> 24-26
<CODE> 43-44
<DFN> 49
<EM> 55
<FONT> 58
<I> 81-82
<KBD> 90-91
<STRONG> 124-125
<TITLE> 136

Lay Out Your Text

The HTML tags in this table represent the HTML tags most commonly used for organizing text on an HTML page. A good HTML author thinks about the way text is placed on her pages. Use these tags to layout your text so that readers can easily and quickly understand the meaning.

TagsGo to Page…
<BODY> 34-35
<BR> 37-38
<H1> 68-70
<H2> 70-71
<H3> 72
<H4> 73
<H5> 74
<H6> 75
<HEAD> 76
<P> 110-111

Display a Graphic Image

The tags listed in this table are the most popular tags used for displaying graphical images on a Web page. With a little forethought, the HTML author can use the tags in this table to make the most of the display of images on their Web pages.

TagsGo to Page…
<IMG> 83-85, 94-95
SIZE 60, 87, 120-121
SRC 66, 123

Present a Background

These tags play a role in displaying a background image. While they are few in number, the sensible use of background imagery and audio has a profound impact on any Web page.

TagsGo to Page…
<BODY> 34-35

Create a Hot Spot Image

Hot spots link a user to another part of the current page, another site, another URL, and so on. The use of graphics as an anchor for a hotspot is one of the most creative elements evident in the most enticing Web pages.

TagsGo to Page…
<A> 20
HREF 78-79
<IMG> 83-85, 94-95
MAP 96-97
NAME 64, 98, 103, 119
SRC 66, 123

Size Images for Best Performance

Images don't have to be resized with image management software just to be used in a Web page. Today's preeminent browsers let you resize any image to your specifications.

TagsGo to Page…
<IMG> 83-85, 94-95
SRC 66, 123

Build a Marquee

Marquees are a recent addition to HTML publishing but they are catching on fast. Microsoft's Explorer browser paved the way for scrolling text in the form of a marquee. Expect to see more browsers begin to adapt this exciting medium for your messages.

TagsGo to Page…

Create an Image Map

While creating an image map may seem a bit daunting at first, the use of image maps has overtaken the use of multiple, stand-alone images as hot spot vehicles to other points on the Information Highway.

TagsGo to Page…
<A> 22
<ALINK> 96-97
<HREF> 78-79
NAME 64, 98, 103, 119
URL 140
<VLINK> 144

Top Commands in Each Category

This table directs you to the most commonly used tags in the most popular tag categories. This table is especially useful to those who normally rely on the detailed index found at the rear of this and other reference books.

Top Commands in Each Category
To Find The Top Commands For… Go to Page…
Backgrounds and Colors 30-31
Links and Graphics 78-79
Lists 91-94
Forms 60-62
Tables 133, 137
Frames 62-63, 104-105
Netscape Extensions 157, 161
Internet Explorer Extensions 157, 159

Backgrounds and Colors

The backgrounds behind your scenes (and the colors you use to make them) can be a pleasant surprise and a refreshing inspiration to readers of overly "busy" Web pages. Use the tags in this table to change the colors of your backgrounds, text, tables, and so on.

TagsGo to Page…
ALINK 96-97
<BODY> 34-35
LINK 144

Links and Graphics

Everyone agrees that the really cool aspect of the Web is its ability to take you off to a distant point of interest that you didn't know was there. Links and graphics tags, when used with text or imagery can send the readers of your Web page to places previously unknown…and beyond!

TagsGo to Page…
<A> 20
<HREF> 78-79
<IMG> 83-85, 94-95
MAP 96-97
NAME 64, 98, 103, 119
SRC 66, 123


Organizing thoughts and short sentences into meaningful, easy-to-read lists can make your pages easier to comprehend and a lot more user friendly. The tags in this table are used to present text in different list formats.

TagsGo to Page…
<DD> 48
<DIR> 50
<DL> 52
<DT> 53-54
<LI> 92-94
<MENU> 100
<OL> 107-108
<UL> 140


Forms give the HTML author a way to collect meaningful information for processing or forwarding to another agent. The tags in this table are used to present the elements of a form on an HTML page.

TagsGo To Page…
<FORM> 60-62
<SELECT> 117-118


Tables are a recent but welcome addition to HTML authoring. Tables help you organize text and graphics so that they relate to each other in rows and columns for easier

TagsGo to Page…
NOWRAP 130, 135
ROWSPAN 131, 135
<TABLE> 127-128
<TD> 129
<TH> 133
<TR> 137


Frames are another way that you can create a unique interface for your Web site. Frames are ideal for table of contents, fixed interface elements, and better forms and results.

TagsGo to Page…
<FRAME> 62-63
NAME 64, 98, 103, 119
SRC 66, 123

Netscape Extensions

Netscape technology has played a major (if not a decisive role) in the proliferation of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Netscape browsers have been the harbingers of some of the most well received extensions to each successive, evolving HTML standard.

TagsGo to Page…
ALINK 96-97
<BIG> 31-32
<MAP> 96-97
RECT 115
<SMALL> 121-122
<SUB> 125-126
<SUP> 126

Internet Explorer Extensions

While Internet Explorer is a relative newcomer to the World Wide Web, Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser has introduced some of the most striking enhancements to the HTML standards in the form of the <MARQUEE> extensions and attributes, among others.

TagsGo to Page…

Web Programming...

6 Ekim 2007 Cumartesi